Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Here Comes the Sun

I was in the mood for sunflowers today. Sometimes you can have really good days and really bad days and some days that are just okay. But there are other days where you can feel just outside of yourself. Your mind gets so absorbed with worrying about things, and not even always important things, but you can get so worked up and your mind becomes so full you feel like your head might just burst at any moment. Everything you need to get done, everything about your future, and everything that is wrong with the world all comes flooding in at once and you don't know how to stop it. No one can build a dam that fast. Eventually you have to just stop and sit down and try to relax and breathe. I usually have to go outside. I try and focus on the sky: the clouds and the sun. I try and let the sun shine down on my face and realize that I can't fix everything that I may be worrying about all at the same time. I try and read or think of things that are calming . . . like sunflowers.

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